Well, i got to miss you from time to time else i will be having a miserable time back at the end of the semester.
From day to day, i gotta keep up the paste in order to keep in touch with you.
From time to time, i gotta be alert in order to stay close enough together with you.
From second to second, i gotta remember you!!!!!
Guess who are "you"?????
*Will tell you later, :), patient...haha*
Well well, i went to the bookstore at Toowong yesterday, tiring enough. Can you imagine that you are having a backpack and you are carrying 6 heavy books without having lunch but just a light breakfast?!!!! I don't know how did i manage to make it back to uni and passed the books to Lay Nee. Seriously, i have no idea as they are so God damn heavy!!!!!!! I hold the books all the way to the lecture theatre by walking pass the Great Court. *The Great Court is huge, gosh!!!!!*
Also, belive me that the amount is shocking enough for those 6 books...... >.<"
Plus, i have pain in my muscles and some bruises on my hands. How can i not miss you?!!!!!! Hiksss (T-T)
My time table, a tiring Thursday...; quizzes and tests all the time, gotta keep in touch with them
The total amount for the 6 books!!!!!! Gosh @-@
My books
" Missing you....... hikssss" ....
2 days free sure the other days are quite pack. Btw, the price of the books are quite expensive..i guess mine will be less than $400
Thanks for the help, doro!
You're welcome, haha
^. <
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