There isn't anything much in the Sunny Bank till ... *will talk about that in a little while, hehe*
The world is small enough as we met Lay Nee's aunt-Aunt Debbie when we were in the centre. She was with her friend, so, of course we chit chat for a little while. She invited us to stay at her house for one night as Sunday, she wants to take us to Goldcoast. That is so nice of her. ^-^
After that, we went to walk around, again.
Seriously, there isn't anything much there. Before we headed back home, we dropped by at the vegetarian shop for our dinner. We ordered a tomyam steamboat to share and 2 honey green tea. Well well, let me comment on the food again. The tomyam is tasteless this time, and the honey green tea is bitter if i wanna say so.
The tomyam soup, tasteless......
The bitter honey green tea? Haha
The best part is coming out which is we went to try out on the Skill Tester. Luck was on Lay Nee's side as she got 4 dolls;2 or 3 dolls on one shot. Actually she could have got 5 dolls because the machine stopped and dropped back the doll! This is so unfair!!! Oh well, after she got her dolls, i only got mine; i got 2 only. *Sign* She sure has a good skill in attacking the soft toys, lolx. I started first but ended with 2 only. Oh well, 2 is okay, better than none, haha.
So, in total, we both spent at about $9.2 for the toys. We shouldn't put in another 2dollars as at the end part, we got more greedy, so, nothing in return for sure. The moral value here is to learn not to be greedy. XD
Anyhow, i would consider that we are quite lucky to get 6 dolls in the play since another friend of mine spent at about RM 52+ to get a small teddy bear only back in Malaysia. Lolx So, be glad then :)
The Skill Tester
Playing so hard to get at least 1? Lolx...... Luck was on Lay Nee's side, sadness... Haha XD

Our goodies? Haha :)
We spent at about 20 minutes by playing the skill tester machine. After that, we didn't know how to get back home. So yea, we went to the city to change the bus in order to get back home.
That's all for today. Time flies !!!!!!!!
i like your blog! :o)
just found it while browsing through
maybe you wanna check out my blog too?
greetings from germany,
Hahahaha.. I thought the 5th doll was unfair as well. IT SHOULD BE MINE! Stupid machine, ate up my doll.
Probably they are not happy of me getting so many dolls. lolx.
To Annika: Thanks for dropping by, Annike.
:) I will add you to my list.
To Lay Nee: Lolx, don't be too greedy. Since it is not a shirt or a pair of shoes, not a big deal at all to you, Lay Nee. Haha XD
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