So, Lay Nee and i decided to go to the city, to explore as Sari prefers to go back home straight.
The city is a nice place as i kinda like it. It is not too crowded but there are people all over.
City pic 1
City pic 2
City pic 3
City pic 4
City pic 5
We didn't buy much stuffs as the food has cost us a lot. $9 for the fried rice with 2dishes of veggies!!!!! Guess what is the taste this time...
It is so salty! Goodness!!! How am i going to eat finish thst?! But in the i finised it since it is so expensive and i don't want any waste, so, i gotta finish it. By finishing it, i have drank 2 bottles of water. *Sign* Why is it the food here is so extreme? When we were having our lunch, we noticed that people there are just normal to have extreme flavours in their food. A lady sitting beside of us, with 2 small shushi rolls, she pour in the whole packet of the soy source onto the shusi before she even tastes them. We were like..." What the heck that fellow is doing?!". I guess it is just normal for them to have EXTREME ingredients in their food. Gosh!!! I wonder what will happen to me if i continue to eat like them. Haha XD
The salty dish which costs me $9!!!! >.<
Nevermind about the food part as i will have further post for it, lolx. So, like usual, of course i will go into the goodies shops. What is the "goodies" do i mean here...* i wonder what is that*, haha. Have a guess then...
I want the koala(s) and kangaroo(s) very much!!! They are so adorable. In terms of Aussie dollars, the price is quite reasonable, but, when you convert the price into RM, it is sort of expensive. Life is always difficult to convert the money to a smaller value. Haha...
Before we went back, we met a 4 year old kid. He is a lovely and friendly kid. He just talked to us (of course without knowing us- we are strangers!!! lolx) while waiting her mum in the shop. I would prefer this kind of kid to stay with me rather than Ilan because Ilan is too... *sign*
Anyhow, i am not going to face any kids after 2 weeks since i am going to move. Hohohohohoho!!!!!!!! But, but,... there is always a but, i am going to bother someone in that house which is Lay Nee!!!!!! Haha... Of course i won't be bothering her since i will have tonnes of assignments soon. So, no worries. : )
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