Our very first stop was the fashion stalls. So yea, like usual, we girls will hunt for items that favour us most - girls items of course, haha. Bought 2 jackets there for $40, one of my dear sis and one for me, while my friends they bought themselves some lovely clothes as well. After that, we wondered around and we bought the Morish's nuts! Oh man... they taste just nice!!! I love them a lot ever since Lay Nee shared her Morish almonds with me *thanks Lay Nee*. So yea, bought 2 packets of Morish almonds at $20. After that, dropped by at one of the stalls that was selling accessories, bought 2 necklaces( p/s: not for my own use) at a reasonable price.
After spending some time there, we decided to walk out to the food department ( should be called that, not sure, haha).
Ah... you can try free food there, nice drinks. As for food, i am not so sure because i can't eat er'm except the cookie that was given by the staff after freshly baked on the spot (under Taste of Queensland Kitchen). Not too bad for the cookie but not the cake, maybe sugar is F.O.C in Australia, hence, the cake was so sweet (my friends told me that), i dare not try of course, LOL. They got to try fried prawns as well.
Later on, we got an ice-cream with strawberry for each of us at $5 except Elise, since she was full. Tasted not-too-bad, haha.
On the way to the garden place, Elise and i stopped by at the stalls to buy some perfumes (again, p/s: those perfumes ain't for me, but for others).
Free fresh flowers for us : )
The garden place was okay, so so?! Haha xD ( Interesting things happened in between - Photo shooting session : D)
Hung around here and there (including to Shenzhen China in Aus), searched for the animals exhibition, gone for some games ( kinda rare actually), sat down to rest for some time, viewed the rainbow as it rained a little while the sun was still shinning on the earth.
Litereally "went" to China, hehe
Interesting post for the young 1 xD
Alas! Found the place but not at the good timing to see the delivery of the sheeps/ goats. At least, the youths were there for you to have a look at them, lolx.
Last but not least, Yoyo bought herself a big penguin, as a memory i suppose, haha xD"
All in all, i am glad that today was really a nice day to be together!!! Although all of us spent quite much, still, the things bought are quite forth the values, i suppose. P/s: I think you can roughly guess how much i have actually spent after reading this post, haha xD
*Thanks for the wonderful moments*
P/s: Most pictures are not with me, so yea, limited pictures here. Elise will upload them in FB! : )
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