I am going to share something here, which i can't actually remember the issue, LOL! All i know it is related to the relationship kind of stuff, i think. xD *Forgive me*
Talk about relationship, i am not a pro at all if you can see i have a so- called black record for my previous relationships (2 is the exact number). 2 is not really a big number but kinda normal in nowadays. To some people, that is quite a big number, oh well, i can only say one's man meat is another man's poison. No comments on that, haha.
Hmmm... i can't really deceive in this kind of issue because i am not good at it and i don't see the point to do so(e.g. i have a boy friend even i don't actually have one for now?). Well, if it is yours it will stick with you, if it is not, it will fade away and there is no need to be sad as it doesn't belong to yours at the very first place.
20+ years old is still a young age to find an ideal soul mate, no worries for that. I, myself am not worried about getting one yet (for current basis), what's more for a guy? Chill, mate! Haha xD
Other than that, when you are looking for the right person, you can't actually think too far ahead as things change from time to time. Sometimes, you might think that your relationship will last, however, it might be a let down as it melts down when one has changed or both parties changed. So, you can't really plan so far ahead for relationship but step by step.
Here's my example: I am a vegetarian and people often say that it will be harder for me to find a partner till the end of the day (which never affects me to change my mind to become a meat-eater). Because, i believe he will change for me if he really likes me. And, it is hard to find one nowadays. Now, my mind has changed after my mum advice me on this issue (we came across it when we last chatted via skype).
She said: " You just can't see/ plan too far ahead. It is okay if he can't become a vegetarian as long as he doesn't mind you to be a vegetarian. If he really likes you, he will not mind it at all because that is who you are. Never know things change like your dad and i. I never thought that i will become a vegetarian and now i am. So, things change, you can't predict. It doesn't mean if he is a vegetarian, both of you will last long because things change, never know."
True, i can't expect one to change so much in one night's time and future is always unclear. So, just let it be, i suppose (eventhough there were 2 people tried to change for me last time) , hahahahahaha xD
Okay, another issue - don't ever step into a relationship because of curiosity. Curiosity kills at times. Feelings grow as time passes by. It will be a total let down when one party decides to have a break in the relationship. It hurts, when you have the feelings. So yea, never try if you are thinking of having the experience of it. Maybe, if you are lucky enough, u might able to hold it long, but, normally, it won't go that way because your very first thought is already wrong.
Another thing - relationship is about 2 ways traffic, take & give. You can't actually just take without giving anything in return (not just in material form). Plus, relationship is about communication! If you didn't communicate oftenly ( my regular basis is everyday or at least once of 2days) , normally there will be misunderstandings, unless both of you don't need communications at all,E.T.? Haha xD
If you are saying seeing one and another for once a week or once in the fortnight is kinda like a regular basis, i personal think that there is something wrong with the relationship (it looks like a friendship rather a relationship; even if it is a friendship, i will categorize it as a non-regular friend, haha).
That's all i can think of it now. Maybe there are more still, i can't actually remember for now. This post is written from a shallow knowledge/ experience, don't judge it heavily. : )

Wondering who is my target person?
Someone who is caring, capable and generous. Should be fine, i guess.
wuwuuu..non-regular friend:(
Aiya, non regular friend doesn't mean the friend is not close. :)
Some friends like you, although can be non regular because of distance, still, can be great friends as we tend to share things in common! Chill, haha!!! :D
wow.. miss dorothy came out with such random post.. this is... rare.. haha.. well, i kinda agree with what u said though.. some part in some way.. cheeeerrss..
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