Monday, January 5, 2009


Ohhh... why are you so slow? Do you know i am waiting for you dearly? I wanna make my decision but i can't, because you ain't showing up yet. Before i turn my head to the others, i am still, giving you the first priority because i want you badly.

If you don't meet the requirements, i guess i have to turn to the others. However, i still prefer to get you. Please??? Time is running out!!! >.<"


CynCyn said...

wish u luck! =D

*Lay~Nee* said...

No worries Doro. I guess Queensland is always the slowest. No doubt of that. Be patient! I know time is running out but there ain't much you can do though.

Unless you wanna turn to the other uni which is one of the options!

Dorothy said...

Thanks Cynthia ^^

Yeah, hope it can reach on time. Dad is rushing me to make decision already. >.<"""