Monday, January 12, 2009

Not Hard, BUT, Just Time Consuming

It is not hard at all but just time consuming.

I really do understand why Peggy, my friend complains a lot on her work. Keying in stuffs ain't easy at all as different accounts have different names and you need to group them carefully else, there will be errors. Also, it is of course a MUST to get a balance figure throughout everything. But, by getting a balance figure is never enough as you must also make sure that balance figure is correct in order to make sure you are on the right track. If you ain't on the right track, the following steps will all be affected - wrong! Haha

Never easy huh?! But, it is not hard at all. ^-^

Just to be more patient and alert, that's all.

* The font size is 7, 15 pixels for each line. Keying in till my eyes are going to pop out T-T*

1 comment:

DoubleFish said...

hey, i added u in my link too.= )