Wednesday, May 27, 2009


*6M classroom*
*Long lost picture* In primary, standard 6? I ain't sure, forgotten, haha xD
(About 8 years ago?)

*Queensbay mall*
My besties from primary till secondary school : ), i miss er'm
(Just recently, 3 to 4 months ago)

*RedBox in Gurney*
Primary mates gathering. Victoria and Annie are my kindo friends as we knew each other when we were four? Haha, still keep in touch though : )
(Primary and also, secondary friends)

*Group 3.2*
Miss those laughters back there : )

*Peggy's 19th birthday*
Peggy and Yun Mun, my twinssssssss!!!!!!!!!! I wanna make people consufed though xD

*During the Dean's List Award Ceremony*
My dear friend Nisha, i miss her too!!!!!!!!!!

My housemates/ roomates, wonderful people.

*Monash cafeteria*
Kughan!!!!!!!! A good buddy for ya to discuss with any kind of topics. :)

Zhang Lei and Madeline!!! Glad to have them as my buddies ^0^

*Goldcoast trip*
Friends i met here, nice people : )

Note: Some pics are left out as i am still collecting er'm, sorry that if you are not in the pic, LOL as i have limited resources, sorry!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Sunday, May 24, 2009

I dun wanna see the oxygen mask/ tank (T-T)

Want to sleep,
Dare not sleep;
Once i sleep,
I can't sleep (later).
This applies to me everyday, but, not today.
My body tells me that it needs some rests but, i don't wanna rest, for some reasons.
Whenever i close my eyes with a slight sore throat, i will wake up with flu, cough and phlegm. The following day, i will feel that my lungs are filled up with phlegm that will cause me some difficulties to breath. Having difficulties to breath, my hearts will pump faster than usual because i don't have much oxygen in me. Of course, i have to be sent to the hospital, with the help of oxygen tank, indeed i feel better for that moment, never i like to stay in the hospital for the doctor to observe for my condition (even the nurses know me well, imagine that, LOL). Other than that, it is money consuming as it is never cheap to stay in the hospital for a few days.
Hence, i can't afford to fall sick. And, i hate to be sick! Now, i am sick. Hate it!!!!!!!! I wanna get better, i wanna have my junks, i dun wanna see the medicines and the oxygen tank!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


*看一看闹钟,该起床了,因为要到学校去讨论 Quiz*
讨论完毕后,我们到打算到 indoo 一下下,因为大家的肚子都快饿坏了。一路上都塞车嘢。。。
到了那里,试猜我吃了什么?冰淇淋!冷天+ 冰淇淋= cool *好好吃噢!!!!!!!*
该买的已买了,那,就各自回家了。一路上又塞车了。巴士只停在 Kenmore Village, 我们都得自己走回家。雨+风= 我全湿了!在这种情况之下,伞子只能当甜点,不能当饭吃,因为,也都湿达达了。
这也让我想起了一首歌。当然与我的状况无关啦,只是那三个字 - 淋雨中,有关而已,哈哈!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Defective Product- TeaPot

It is indeed a nice day to have a cup of hot tea at this kind of weather. Thanks to Lay Nee for the green tea.
So yea, tea goes well with the hot water. When i was filling the teapot with the hot water, the teapot just broke into pieces because the glass is too thin( the teapot just arrived today, @-@).
*Crack* + *Splash*
The hot water spilt on me. OUCH!!!
Wasn't that bad as the water wasn't just boiled, *phewwwww*.
That is dangerous enough!
And now... Lay Nee has to ask for refund in order to buy a new teapot. Hope that the teapot will be in good quality then, haha.



Monday, May 18, 2009



Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day and Night; Night and Day

The problem i am facing now:
Day and Night; Night and Day.
Everyday, it seems meaningless to me.
When i open my eyes, it is day time;
When i close my eyes, it is night time.
Looking at the calender, day passes by day;
Looking at the clock, minute passes by minute.
My heart pumps faster than usual, because time is not enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009



*往上。。。是我的目标 ^-^v *

Thursday, May 14, 2009


好了,上完 Finance (大约 6.00pm),预备要搭巴士回家。
等啊等,拿着蛮重的硬皮书本站着等 (排队嘛。。。),时间到了也站在 B 站等,越等越不对劲因为时间已过了20分钟但巴士还没到。A 站的巴士也没到,C 站也不例外。今天是怎么了? 怎么那个时间都没巴士?蛮久后,A 站的巴士才到,都已拍成长龙的他们都涌上巴士,可惜,还有一部分得等下一辆巴士因为巴士已太满了。过后,C 站的巴士也到了,载走了另一窝蜂的学生。我们B 站的巴士呢?怎么不见影子?那巴士还真的放我们的飞机,真的没来!气死我了,外面很冷嘢,冷风一直向我吹来,真难受因为我的冷衣不够厚呀。我的确是很佩服我周围的人,他们都有弥勒的肚量,菩萨的慈悲,都没有发牢骚,默默的等待(普通人都会投诉啊;赞!)。

好了,七点了(通常是我已回到家的时间),巴士来了(不是我们要等的巴士;没有鱼,虾也好)。这辆巴士的司机驾得超快的,经常 Emergency break,连 Round about 都不停下来一下,真危险!人家按钟了也不理,不停 (可能它是 Express 的?)。到了 Indoo, 要转站,又等了一会儿。所以,当我到家的时候已差不多要到八点了。唉。。。这真是毁了我的计划,全毁了!!!吃了饭,冲了凉,现在正在写这一个 Post,已 10。20pm 了。时间啊时间,为何你走得那么快?等一等我呀!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Never try TaG before, let's put a step in, try it since i am bored now. Haha xD

Here's the direction:
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you.
At last, choose seven people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.
"Dorothy - let me know you MORE" by Mloo

1.I like to procrastinate even i know procrastinating is the thief of time.
2.I want things to be perfect even i know nothing is like a bed of roses.
3.I am impatient at times even i know Rome was not built in a day.
4.At times, i can't accept views from others even i know one man's meat is another man's poison.
5.I am a last minute kind of person (in studies) even i know a stitch in time saves nine.
6.I am not straightfoward enough as i like to beat about the bush.
7.I often regret after the things are done even i know there is no use crying over spilt milk.
8.I like to build castle in the air even it is such a waste of time!
9.I get very very very stressful when the time is against the clock.
10.I like to bite my tongue because talking is a waste of energy, LOL.
11.It is never easy to keep my chin up when things are messed up.
12.I won't gain weight easily even i chow down a lot *Thanks God : )*
13.Get whatever i want, will be my Field Days :3
14.I off on the wrong foot for my very first relationship.
15.I don't really like to paint the town red, but that depends on the mood; mood swings.
16.To make my day, it is sort of random because i don't really know myself, haha xD

Now, i'd like to tag 7 people:
Lay Nee- Do you understand and know yourself? I don't but maybe u know well about urself : )
Shuzo- Prevention is better than cure, i wanna score high for ur quiz if u r going to create 1, xD
Wei Shien- Heyz dear, wanna know more about ya : )
Kenneth Leong- U and i are quiet, maybe will get to know u slighty more from this tag? Haha
Zhi- Now... here's the chance to write about urself and u can even practice ur Eng, kill 2 birds with 1 stone, not bad right? xD (preferece: English based of writing, LOL)
Johnny- *Curiousity* : )
De Yang- I like your funny way when u r answering the tagged questions.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What the heck?!

What the heck?!
It just passed by in front of me?
Hello? I was there, waiting!!! I even waved at ya!
Am i alive or dead? Can't you see me?
Am visible or invisible?
Because of you, i missed my lecture now.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Quiz: Me, me and just me : )

Lately, people are very into quizzes, so, i am on my own now. How much u all know about me?


好了,说了没完没了的,最终还是有说:“谢谢你,妈妈!谢谢你的包容,谢谢你的关照,谢谢你为我好的一切!!!真心祝你母亲节快乐 :-)”

Saturday, May 9, 2009



Friday, May 8, 2009


我也不知道为何如此。可能是积少成多吧; 一点一滴,现在成了池塘了!
虽然不是我出差错, 不过, 不知为什么我感到很抱歉。人真是矛盾噢!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

MIA soon!!!

Guess what MIA means?
That is about to happen to me because i have to(>.<)"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mission Accomplished ^o^V

We thought we were going to be disappointed today but it is not the case at all. Wonder why?
Today, is a friend's birthday. We - Betty, Lay Nee and i planned to have a surprise for him and we did!!! Haha xD
Plan A: Jogging plan. Pretended that Betty injured herself and we couldn't help her up. Lay Nee was supposed to knock on Zhi's door, asking him for help and Betty and i were to light up the candles, wait for him at the bricks- wall there. Tada!!!! Happy birthday, Zhi! But, that didn't happen because we were late. Lay Nee and i went to the city by CityMeow (Citycat) to meet Betty there, so that we could pick the cake together. After spending some time looking for a cake, waited for some time for the meow to go to Rigatta, it was almost 6.10pm and we undergo some walking exercises before we could reach his house (our appointment to jog is at 5.15pm?). It was awfully late. We can't actually jog at that time because it is dark especially winter is coming soon. So, yea, thinking quicker than usual with our thinking caps on. Here's plan B that popped out in our mind.
Plan B: Lying plan. Lay Nee lied to Zhi that Betty wasn't feeling well all of sudden (vomited, turn pale? and we were panicking to send her back and totally forgotten about the jogging plan? haha)Of course we went to his house, Lay Nee knocked on the door. Tada!!!!!!!!! Happie Burfday, Zhi, together with the birthday song and the cake with candles, haha :) I think he never expect that to happen though.
Anyway, hope he enjoyed that moment.
Happy birthday again : )
From: Betty, Lay Nee and i (^-^)(^.<)(^v^)

Monday, May 4, 2009


这都是我一位友人的功劳- 智 (谢谢!!!)
好不容易才可以正式以华文字起笔, 好高兴哦。
现在, 我才会珍惜华文的美化, 真是个美体!
真的没有后悔从华校毕业,真的好不容易噢, 因为我对华文的认识真的很浅白。
还是有些不习惯用华文打字 因为有拼音,给予我这个华文白痴, 真的不容易,还觉得蛮有难度的。

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Back to the Past

Some old days back there. : )

People are busying with tonnes of assignments while i am watching disney cartoons like Snow White, Aladdin ...
Still love those cartoons.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Meeting you is faithed;
Knowing you is faithed;
Leaving you is faithed;
Everything is faithed like it is.
Things said out might not be true compared to the words from the bottom of the heart.
Maybe... you haven't achieved what you want because time is not up YET.