Friday, July 31, 2009

大出血; Massive Hemorrhage!!!

With a little amount in my poor pocket, i have to spend so much for the books, hence, it is like giving my blood away even i am underweight! How sad... T-T
Just for Auditing, there are 2 books which cost me AUS$163, and AUS$110 for the Financial Markets and Institutions. Other that than, i am going to get a printer for myself soon, so that i don't have to rush to uni just to print the notes before lectures or tutes start.
Life is all about money. No money no talk!!! *Sadness*
What to do? This is the reality.
Guess, i have to start doing the tutes and studying for the chapters since quizzes are coming in continuously.

ECON2200 text book AUS $110

ACCT 3101 text book

ACCT3101 handbook (combinations of the ACCT books = AUS $163)

Like a dictionary T-T

The words are so small, i guess i am going to have a hard time to read it then.
*Wish me luck* xD


Kenneth-CK said...

Hey, I'm using the same book as your first picture for Derivatives and Securities Markets

shuzo said...

Chee Kin. me too. lolx
in malaysia that book is soo the cheap. xD

Dorothy said...

Haha, i guess i know. *Sigh* If i have known it earlier, i could have got the copy from M'sia since Yeh Sheong told me it costs RM80 for a brand new 1; RM40 for a second hand copy.
What to do, what is done is done, Just study ba..... hahaha xD

shuzo said...

dorothy- no need to cry over spilt milk. just keep the book clean and u can resell it at a higher value.