Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Typical Day

It is just a typical day about me doing my revision for law. Imagine that, for the whole day, just for one chapter! Ha!
Oh man... so many facts to remember. (>.<)"
Actually i have taken law before, back in Monash. Well, UQ doesn't recognize it as its core subject but an elective, so, i gotta take it all over again. I can't take in the elective because i have 24 units in total (max). So, i gotta cancel the elective which means i have spent my time for nothing back in Monash, for the law subject. Well, not actually nothing but maybe something in the middle? Haha
Also, i just found out that IF not because of the engineering math (Monash doesn't recognize Taylor's Stats), i may be able to enter Clayton or Caufield. If i have taken engineering math, i would probably now studying in Melbourne. Oh well, what is done is done. No regrets as i choose the path to study in Taylor's at the first place, rather than going straight to Uni of East Angelia for its foundation. There is no use crying over spilt milk as i choose to transfer to other uni rather than staying back in Monash. So, here i am, in Brissie. Hehe (^-^)V
Oh well, no complains. I am having a mid sem exam for finance this Friday, God bless me!!!!!!!!

LOVE STORY (Taylor Swift) meets VIVA LA VIDA (Coldplay) - Piano Cello - by Jon Schmidt

I got this link from a friend (thanks) and i wanna share it here together with you all. Hope you guys enjoy it. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A gift of laughter for today = 3

1. 去醫院的路
> 甲:請問一下醫院怎麼走?
> 乙:很簡單,你現在閉著眼睛,走到馬路正中央,然後停一下,大約十分鐘之後就會到了。


> 他老婆坐起身說:「你說什麼?」
> 他老婆說:「真的嗎?」
> 他用力點點頭說:「千真萬確!」
> 他連忙說:「對啊!妳怎麼知道?」
> 他老婆這時狠狠地打了他一巴掌說:
> 「死鬼!這是你第三次喝醉了尿在冰箱裡!」

3. 惡鄰居

> 甲:「我家新搬來的鄰居好可惡,
> 乙:「的確可惡。你有沒有報警?」
> 甲:「沒有。我當他們是瘋子,繼續彈我的鋼琴。」

4. 公 車 記

> 司機先生不理她,繼續開車,
> 她又問:「資機先生頂問一下,顛母在代哪裡下車?」
> 於是告訴那一位小姐,天母下車的地方,
> 小姐下車以後,年青人問公車司機,
> 司機先生,剛剛那一位小姐問你,天母在哪裡下車,
> 你為什麼都不告訴她,
> 司機先生轉過頭來,很無奈的說:

5. 倒數計時

> 一天,一名癌症病人去覆診,
> 病人迫不及待問:「多久?」
> 醫生說:「三. . . 」
> 病人問:「三什麼?三年?三個月?三天?
> 醫生說:「三. . . 二. . 一. . . 」

6. 爸爸是誰

> 那位闊少爺很不願意地把車停了在一邊,不耐煩的說:
> 『你知不知道我的爸爸是誰?!』

7. 擔心過度

> 一對夫婦投宿旅館時,
> 老婆想要洗澡卻擔心的對老公說:
> 老公一臉不屑頭也不回的說:
> 「放心!依妳這種身材即使被拍到也會剪掉的!」


> 小學開學了,剛滿六歲的冬冬不肯到學校註冊上學。
> 『等我十五歲的時候,妳會記得來接我嗎?』


> 一位腦筋不靈光的人,坐了計程車,
> 到達目的地時,計程車駕駛說:「先生,七十五元!」
> 「哎呀!糟了!」這位乘客說:


> 某政治課,
> 師曰:「何謂三不政策?」
> 生曰:「不知道、不清楚、不要問我。」
> 師曰:「@$%^%@$#……」


> 小明的媽媽要她去雜貨店買五香乖乖,
> 當小明去了很久都還不回來,
> 媽媽決定自個兒去看看到底是怎麼回事.....
> 結果看到小明就站在雜貨店的門口傻傻地等
> 媽媽:『@#$%&..... 』


> 一位已經喝得茫酥酥的歐吉桑,趕到醫院掛急診
> 歐吉桑回答:我喝高粱酒。
> 護士小姐說:不是啦!我是問你叫什麼?(台語發音)
> 歐吉桑又回答:我叫海帶和豆干....


> 有個食人族長和他兒子到外尋找食物,
> 他們躲藏在厚草叢裡,等待獵物到來。
> 不久後有一位瘦小子經過,族長的兒子問爸爸:
> 『爸爸,這個如何?』
> 族長答道:『不,這小子太瘦,吃起來沒味道!』
> 不久後有一位胖子經過,族長的兒子問爸爸:
> 『爸爸,這胖子又如何?』
> 族長答道:『不,這個太肥,吃了膽固醇會升高!』
> 不久後有一位窈窕青春美女經過,
> 族長的兒子問爸爸:『爸爸,這美女又如何?』
> 族長答道:『哇塞!好極了,我們把這美女捉回家,然後把你媽媽煮來吃!』


> 甲和乙是熱愛棒球的好朋友,常爭論著天堂是不是也有棒球隊,
> 某日甲不幸死掉了,不久後就托夢給乙。
> 甲:我要告訴你一個好消息,一個壞消息。
> 乙:什麼好消息?
> 甲:天堂真的有棒球隊耶!
> 乙:那壞消息呢?
> 甲:下個禮拜三的先發投手是你....


> 兩個乞丐冬天出外尋找食物,因為天寒,所以遍尋不著,
> 突然看到路邊有一堆嘔吐物,在無可奈何下,只好將嘔吐物當食物。
> 乞丐甲疑惑地問:為何剛剛叫你吃你不吃,現在又吃?
> 只見乞丐乙回答:因為天冷,我比較喜歡熱食。


> 1998年的某一天,
> 日本....台北...國際電話。
> 李:是老王嗎?我是李偉。
> 王:好久不見了........
> 李:最近好嗎?
> 王:很好,好想你噢.
> 李:我有事找你商量.......
> 王:什麼事?
> 李:我想向你借50萬元。
> 王:什麼?
> 李:我想向你借50萬元....(更大聲)
> 王:你在說什麼?我聽不清楚.........
> 李:我想向你借50萬元....(嘶啞的喊)
> 王:奇怪電話怎麼一點都聽不清楚??
> 接線小姐:王先生,電話明明聽的很清楚,
> 他說要向你借50萬,你怎麼說聽不清楚呢?
> 王:你聽的清楚,那你借給他!


> 中年的肥胖婦人,在街上遇到久違不見的老朋友。
> 朋友說:「近來你似乎很忙?」
> 「嗯,忙著減肥!」
> 「怎麼減?」
> 「每天騎馬三個小時。」
> 「效果如何?」
> 「嗯,馬瘦了一公斤!」


> 在大學裡有一名教授看到一名學生帶大哥大,
> 於是問他為什麼帶大哥大。
> 學生說:那是水壺。
> 教授又問:水壺為什麼會響呢?
> 學生:可能水燒開了..........


> 『陽明大學你好,請輸入學號及按井號,
> 退學按5、休學按6、復學按7』。
> 這位學生在好奇心的驅使下他按了『5』,
> 這時只聽見系統回答『退學成功』。
> 這位學生頓時臉色大變,
> 此時心中又浮現了另一個希望,
> 剛剛不是有聽到復學按7嗎?
> 於是他按下了『7』
> 只聽到系統回答:
> 『對不起,非本校學生不得使用本系統....』

3 things you cannot recover

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Today, i went jogging with my fellow friends: Betty, Lay Nee and Zhi. It wasn't that bad after such a long time i didn't go for an exercise.
It is indeed very tiring as my legs are both in critical situation now. Are they still alive? Haha xD
Wonder why i use ReFlEcTiOn as my theme in this post? It reminds me of an old friend back in M'sia - Stella!!!!!! Haha : )
Back there in KL, we jogged at times, Stella was so afraid to jog with us because she was awfully tired after some exercises. She is always funny as usual. I hope that she is still fine like always.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sorrow In Pain

Bohoooooo (>.<)"
It is awfully painful! I can hardly chew my food.
I got my wisdom tooth.
Gotta bear with it, what else can i do? Sigh...

*Ouch! That hurts!*

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

道に迷った; 当惑した; 放心したような

道に迷った; 当惑した; 放心したような
(十字を切って)〈人を〉祝福する, 〈人の〉ために神の恩恵を祈る

感謝する, 謝意を表する

Sunday, April 19, 2009






































能清楚的區分欣賞 . 喜歡與愛的人,






Saturday, April 18, 2009

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! >o<

I think the neighbours heard me.
Lay Nee was shocked and stunned at the same time.
Wonder what makes me shouted and screamed so loud as i didn't over-act much when i was on the extreme rides.
There's a worm in the peach!
There's a browish shorty fat worm in the peach that was half way eaten by me!
It is so disgusting!!!!!!!! Ewwwwww........ that is why i am not into fruits because worms like fruits.

*I need some rest, LOL*

Friday, April 17, 2009

^-^ DreamWorld ^-^

Dream dream dream and i love to dream. Ha!
Yeap, we went to Dreamworld yesterday. Firstly, i would like to thank Beng for bringing us to Gold Coast, else, 101% we will be lost for sure.
It took us at about 1 hour to reach Gold Coast by train, i think. When we reached there, took a bus to dreamworld and you can see jams all over because of school holidays!!!So yea, as expected, we managed to can only 6 rides out of so many of them. Wonder why? Because of the queues of course. We queue for 40 mins just for the few seconds or few minutes rides.
Overall, i love the day because it was fun. : )

In the train, on the way to Gold Coast.

Our very first game - The Claw (Ranked at 2nd most exciting ride)
Oh well, it was scary at first because it was a warming up ride for us all. Haha xD

2nd game - Cyclone (Ranked at 5th most exciting ride)

3rd game - The Giant Drop (Ranked at 1st most exciting ride)
Fuyooohhhh!!! Not too bad. In fact, i love this ride because u can enjoy the view at the highest point. You can even see Q-Deck from that point. Too bad that the others didn't join, only Beng and Zhi joined me. Zhi was funny because before the ride started, he was yelling and screaming, maybe he is under stress? Haha xD

4th game - The Terror of Tower (Ranked at 3rd most exciting ride)
Fast enough as the whole game is about 10 seconds!!!! The speed is 156km/h. Not that scary afterall. xD

Dorothy & Dorothy

5th game - Dorothy's Rosy Tea Cup Ride (No ranking, more to relaxing)
This game should be the last game because Betty has to get back home earlier. But, it is not the last one. Basically, this game is for kids. Oh well, i tried because John and Zhi went. Only 1 adult is to fit into the teacup, there are 3 of us!!! Haha, in the end, each of us have our very own seat in the tea cup. Zhi spin himself so fast till his picture couldn't be captured. So yea, ended up he felt like vomiting? John was taking his own sweet time. Haha xD

The last game - Wipeout ( Ranked at 4th exciting ride)
Loving it!!! 360 degrees to spin you around, fall from the air!!!

Other than the rides, we also dropped by at the tiger show, the wildlife experience.

Me, Lay Nee and Betty

Lay Nee and I

Feeding the bossy kangaroo
It is so proud, it doesn't even want to open it's eyes!!!

Sleepy koalas

The girls : )

Us: Lay Nee, Catherine, Zhi, Me, John and Beng

Us: Betty, Zhi, Catherine, Lay Nee, Me and John

That's all. Time flies. Dreamworld is a place that you all gotta go.
Fuyohhhhh !!! : )

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I am supposed to study finance together with Zhang Lei today but ended up we went to the city and Garden City. xD
Seriously, we are clueless on how to get started on the questions. So yea, city, here we are!!!!!! Haha
Bought myself a new pair of "partners" as my older one has spoilt. It is indeed no easy to find a new pair of nice shoes/ slippers/ sandals here. Oh well, at least i got them at a reasonable price and waiting for this pair of "partners" to bring me further up to continue my journey.

Shoes are our partners, enable us to continue our journeys.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Replenish Your Soul With Colours

Life is not about black and white.
You can make a difference by using types of colours as combinations to draw out a wonderful picture.
Since you are now on Earth, having all type of dramas in your life, why not make it more interesting by choosing your favourite colours to paint the pictures in you?
You may not be able to control your life but at least you can make a little difference by living in a better way.
Specially dedicated to you, Lay Nee :)

*I took about an hour to draw it, be proud girl XD*

Raining Day

It is chilling here.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Yeap, ain't staying at home for today because staying at home is bored. Ha!
We went for a trip to Gold Coast ^-^
Gotta meet some new friends.
It was an enjoyable trip alright.
Just let the pictures do the taking because i am not in the mood to blog... lala

Harbour Town 1

Harbour Town 2

Waiting for Zhi...zzz

In Harbour Town, with Zhi

R & Z, towards the sea

Surf Paradise, D,N,B,Z

Surf Paradise, J,B,R,D,N,Z

Surf Paradise, J,B,R,D,N,B

View from Q-Deck 1

View from Q-Deck 2

View from Q-Deck 3

Meaningful words :)

*There are still some pics left out, will upload them later :)*

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Day

Guess what?


*Happy mood*
Woke up quite late for today because i slept at 2 something yesterday as i came back at 12 something.
Walked to the kitchen because food was in-need.
Saw uncle Ted and aunt Jessie (my host parents). Of course, i greet them first ;)
Saw something "huge" for breakfast, i was wondering "am i having cake for breakfast today?"
Ended up

*Thanks for the bunny and the chocos!!! Don't worry, i won't eat Dariel(the bunny) up even it smells and looks like choco. Haha*

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dream = Reality !!!!!! Seriously zzz

Seriously guys, all of you ain't going to believe in me.
I had my exam on last Sat. After that exam, seriously i was very emo because of careless mistakes all over. The paper ain't hard at all to me. *Sigh*
Few days ago, i dreamt of my exam questions and ANSWERS!!!!!!!
Seriously, the answers are correct, not spam at all. I tried to calculate the figures. OMG!!!!!!!! Those are the answers!!!!!!!
Nevermind that first, here's the interesting part. I actually dreamt of my exam results!!!!!! Which is the same which i am having them now.
Marks just gone like that.

Why is it i never get to hit the jackpot?
Anyway, thanks to all my friends that support me all this while.
Cheers!!!!! : )

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It is unpredictable for things to happen, huh?!
I got a few "surprises" today.
I was shock when i was told that the mum of a friend of mine is in peace now. So sorry to hear that, but at least, she doesn't have to suffer anymore right? *Sigh*
I got a new from another friend, all of sudden he is going to transfer to UK. I never expect that he is going to transfer to UK because i thought he loves Monash a lot? Haha * All the best ahead!*
I met a new friend through Lay Nee today and he looks so alike like my another friend. *Similar looking*
I got a call from a friend, never thought that he will call that long because he gets emo easily when it comes to money. *Giggle*
I got to know my answers was being "compared" by someone else, back in Taylor's, during the exam time. *I didn't know that*
Life is full of inexpediency, never know what will happen next.
It is about planning but... never will it be a controlling.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tick - Tock

Staring at the clock, in a wink of eye,it is almost 6 now.
Hours passed by, minitues passed by, seconds passed by. What have i done for today?
Law? Except that, what else?
Nothing much, i guess.
Sigh ... ... ...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Slack zzz

I am so stupid!!!
I am so careless!!!
Why is it i never ever think of that?!
It is so God damn easy!!!
I was on my half way through and i just left it there.
How could i ever make such stupid mistakes!!!
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Jocked up from some evil dreams, dreamt of terrible mistakes i have done.
Dreamt of terrible results i got.
That is why i don't like MCQ!!!!!!!!!

God Blesssssssss Me~
Seriously, i need UR MIGHTY blessings!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ferrero. Choco

Special thanks to you : )
It is unexpected to receive a box of ferrero rocher today.
I love ferrero rocher so much because it is indeed very good in quality, it melts in your mouth and also melts your heart at the same time.
No matter how much i like it, i will never buy it because it is so expensive. Eating gold, huh?! Haha xD
Thank you so much..........
It's been a long long long long long time i haven't eaten ferrero choco.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Old Sickness

Not complaining...
Not frustrating...
But, thank God i didn't catch it tomorrow.
Hope that it will go away soon. :)

Waiting for Lay Nee to get me a choco milk... *thanks*

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Higher , you have to go

Things change within a millisecond.
Things fluctuate like shares.
You have to go slightly higher from one to another.
Else, you will be left out.


Lately, my mood tends to be uglier than usual. Wonder why?
Maybe i am stressed up with my luck.
Luck is not at my side, like usual.
A great cook can't seem to cook great dishes without fresh ingredients.
A great tailor can't seem to make a good quality outfits without high quality cloths.
A great doctor can't seem to do much on his patients without good medicines.
Ability is indeed important but luck is equally imporant as well.
They are brothers; best friends.
It is just like the HTTP and the internet. If internet doesn't exist, there is no use to have HTTP. If you have the internet but without HTTP, your life is all about black and white; gray scale.
Exam is just around the corner, i am getting more streesful now.
I am scared that i can't decide.
I am scared that i will srew up the paper.
I am scared .............
*Mood swings*

God bless~